Friday, September 2, 2011

Heading Home

I can't believe the week is over. I am sitting in the Antigua airport where I will wait about four hours until I continue my journey home.  It's funny how dramatically things can change in a week.  Last Saturday when I arrived, the task at hand seemed so insurmountable and overwhelming.  I was walking into a new country and culture and frankly, it was a little scary.  Six days later, as I leave this beautiful and tragic island, I run into so many people who have opened their arms so widely to embrace us and the message we bring to the island.  I am touched how we have been welcomed into their homes and their hearts.  They are so gracious with their hospitality.  While they don't have much, they are willing to share it as they are so thankful for the time we have spent on the island trying to help them.

I thought it might be fun to provide the reader with our top ten observations of our stay on Montserrat:

Top Ten Observations
1. Not many (if any) people smoke cigarettes on Montserrat - in fact, they scowl when you ask them if they do smoke (a question on the demographic piece of the screening.)
2. A significant number of people reported that they were diabetic.
3.  It seemed nearly impossible to find a diet beverage anywhere.
4.  A large can of mosquito repellent will go a long way to providing comfort.
5.  Horn Honking is a greeting - not some way to communicate that you aren't pleased with a fellow-driver's capabilities
6.   When you go to a restaurant, you are not given bread and butter.
7.   It is possible to learn how to drive on the opposite side of the road from how you were originally taught.
8.   It is amazing how lost you can get, even when there is only one main road.
9.  Contrary to popular belief, you don't need air conditioning to survive the heat - a good ceiling fan will due.
10.  It is true that the water on Montserrat is one of the best tasting waters in the world!!!

So now we head back and will review the results.  We hope to report back soon on the findings soon.

Gilda Caputo-Hansen

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